Innovative Medical Tourism

Innovative Medical Tourism

Issue 1, November 2019

In-MedTouR Newsletter

  • In-MedTouR at a glance

The In-MedTouR (Innovative Medical Tourism Strategy) is a project that is implemented within the frame of Interreg Greece-Italy V/A 2014-2020 programme. Since in the cross-border area there is lack of cooperation between businesses and research/educational institutions, there is also low involvement of businesses in research and development (R&D) actions. The project aims at creating a cluster of cooperation between Greece’s and Italy’s businesses engaged in Medical Tourism (private or public hospitals, doctors, SPA, wellness centers etc.) as well as research and development entities (universities, technological institutes etc.), so that know-how and innovations can be exchanged between the two countries. The network of cooperation (e-Cluster) will be fostered during the implementation of the project, however the cooperation is going to be an ongoing procedure in the future, even after the completion of the project. Secondly, the project will lead to the introduction of a new touristic product, which is called Health Tourism and refers to the process of travelling outside the country of residence for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment and at the same time enjoying holidays in the destination country. For this purpose, an e-Tour Facilitator containing information about touristic and medical providers in the cross-border area is going to be developed.



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In-MedTouR Partnership



Contact information:

National Organization for Health Care Services Provision

Christina Georgakopoulou – Project Manager |Tel: +30 2108110826, e-mail:

Mprachou Eirini – Communication Manager | Tel: +30 2651079738, e-mail:


Project co-funded by European Union, European Regional Development Funds (E.R.D.F.) and by National Funds of Greece and Italy