Innovative Medical Tourism

Innovative Medical Tourism

Project Objectives


Main objective

The main objective of the project is the creation of a cluster in the Cross-Border area, which will promote the cooperation and networking of medical tourism enterprises with research bodies. The cluster will allow the exchange of best practices by the members and will give local business access to research and innovation in order to upgrade their competitiveness. The project will also offer a new type of tourism product, medical tourism as well as innovative technological products to support networking (e-Cluster) and help patients/tourists choose their touristic packages (e-Tour Facilitator).

Other specific goals

  1. Ensure that the medical tourism sector of the Cross-Border area has access to innovation.
  2. Include information and dissemination actions.
  3. Create a cluster to increase collaboration and networking between businesses and research and development centers.
  4. Support the growth sectors with significant employment opportunities, especially in SMEs, by finding R&D specialties in medical tourism.
  5. Increase investments in R&D through clustering and networking between research entities and businesses.

Project co-funded by European Union, European Regional Development Funds (E.R.D.F.) and by National Funds of Greece and Italy